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Intense Colors | Only Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorials


Tutorial por Paquo360

Recover the intense color on your image with this technique.

The Image

A friend of mine asked for a simple way of reaching intense colors in an image with a half level of these that however, it could not seem so bad.

Intense Colors 01

Adding More Color

This is a pretty simple way to recover color. First duplicate the layer.

Layer > Duplicate Layer

On duplicated layer we will work. Go to:

Image > Adjust > Hue/Saturation

Hue = 0 - Saturation = 50 - Lightness = 0 - Colorize = Disabled

This Results:

Intense Colors 02

Median Filter

Remember that we are working on the copy.

Now apply the following filter:

Filter > Noise > Median - Radius = 4 px

And next blur a little more:

Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur - Radius = 3 px

This is the whole trick.

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Now change this layer to Mode Color.

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If you want a little more color, continue adjusting:

Image > Adjust > Curve

Once there press the Auto Button. In this image was applied and it improved a little more. Although it is already too much color, but that it is the objective of this tutorial.

Intense Colors 05

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